Returns and Refunds
Welcome to NetworkSys Co. Ltd. NetworkSys will be able to offer you with different products and services in line with the following terms and conditions. By clicking on our website the Philippines, you will be in a better position to understand all that is found in our company. Whenever you click, view or use this site, you confirm your understanding and good will that these terms and conditions should be legal and signed when transactions are carried out or whenever there is a contract letter. You also agree to bind to this terms and conditions. NetworkSys Co. Ltd reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time for as long as there is valid reason. These changes will be reflected on the website. A continuous use of the site even after the changes of the terms and conditions is a clear indication that you concur with the modification.
If it happens that there are extracts in these terms and conditions held by the court of law with a claim of them being unlawful, the remaining terms and conditions will be used in full force and nothing will alter them. For as NetworkSys Co. Ltd is concerned there is no joint venture companion or even agency relationship between them and the users. The terms and conditions may also be waived by the company.
Transactions on account
This is a very critical section as it concerns different users upon the governing structure of the company’s website to conduct any of the following services and products
1. Buy the prepaid products
2. Ensure you buy gift certificates and other related items
3. Pay your bills
Having conducted all such transactions, NetworkSys Co. Ltd will change your credit card through which NetworkSys Co. Ltd third party payment processors charge your credit card and debit card via connection with the company. This has a large impact on the financial institution and debit rewards displays that your enrolment to NetworkSys Co. Ltd to fulfil the transactions specified. In most cases people will be seen directly changing their credit and debit card.
In the event that you need to change the debit account, you shall be provided with a password or any other authentication process within the NetworkSys Co. Ltd interests. This will require you to use the connections with NetworkSys Co. Ltd without the company demanding for further authentication or seeking further information. These changes will be a complete package and the entire liability. On getting the proper and systematic information from you on purchasing a product or service within NetworkSys Co. Ltd website, we shall incur your credit card or debit card charges through the third party payment processors. Alternatively you can debit your NetworkSys Co. Ltd account according to the actual price of the product and services. NetworkSys Co. Ltd will instantly load a prepaid account under you with the amount as well as a prepaid pin matching with the gift certificate or the products purchased or the paid bills relating to the amount specified by you through the electronic media.
NetworkSys Co. Ltd assures you that it will complete and fill all the transactions except those that concern the following:
1. Those that the destination account number do not exist
2. Those that the destination account number were blocked
3. Those that the destination account number has been disabled by the merchant
If there is a case of conflict of interest initiated by the client despite the whole process proving to be successful NetworkSys Co. Ltd is likely to report the matter to the Philippines national bureau. For all the successful transactions carried out through NetworkSys Co. Ltd website, the proceedings will be final, cannot be reversed and will always reflect on the account users.
Any prepaid issuer, gift cards certificate issuer as well as the product owner will be liable to you to provision of services to which all the above aspects apply. You should understand that NetworkSys Co. Ltd is an independent entity having been appointed by prepaid product, gift certificate, bill applies.
if you have bought a code sold by or on behalf of NetworkSys Co. Ltd for access to the Unlimited Service or Premium Service for the time period indicated on your email, card or paper receipt or if you are accessing the service through some other limited offer which you received or purchased from the company these Agreements apply to your access to the Service. Any separate sets of terms and conditions presented to you along with the Code or other Limited Offer also apply to your access to the Service using the Code or Limited Offer. Subject to any rights you may have under Section 12, Codes are only redeemable in the country where you purchased such Code, not redeemable for cash and may not be returned for a cash refund, exchanged, resold or used to purchase other Codes.
Membership Information
As part of the registration for membership at NetworkSys Co. Ltd, the applicant is required to provide an accurate, and up to date information asked for in the application form. Further the applicant is required to provide an acknowledgement as to the competence and validity of the information provided. In case of any changes with regards to the application, the information should be availed to the necessary counterparts. This can be done by clicking on the ‘edit account’ button under the user page. All information provided is under the NetworkSys Co. Ltd private policy, and will be guarded from public access unless otherwise instructed by relevant authorities.
Persons under eighteen years are required to obtain guardian consent before seeing the website. Employees of companies and other entities are required to only join the website under the express consent of their employer. Joining and using the website denotes that you have agreed with the terms of condensation, and will therefore be bound by them.
Your Data
The information obtained from the website will be only about the selected products. Preferences can be changed at any time at the ‘edit account’ section. Opting out of the service can also be done at any time. Personal information collected due to use of this service will be treated with accordance to NetworkSys Co. Ltd privacy policy, which forms art of this agreement.
User Name and Password
Upon confirmation as a member of the website, you will be furnished with a password and user name. The member is fully responsible for their user name and password, including the unauthorized access to the account or credit card linked to the website.
If a password is forgotten or a user name lost one can recover the same under ‘forgot your user name’ section. Also the name and password registered are for a single user and cannot be transferred.
Linked Sites
NetworkSys Co. Ltd contains links to other sites which are owned by other entities. The site does not review products or materials posted on this other linked sites. NetworkSys Co. Ltd also does not endorse all the materials available on this linked sites, and further more NetworkSys Co. Ltd disclaims responsibility for any contents of this linked sites, and that any decision to indulge 0n this linked sites, and what they offer s solely a personal decision and at one’s own peril.
NetworkSys Co. Ltd encourages comments and shared experience in the site plus suggestions if any for the improvement of the site is also welcomed. All information added to the site by users will be deemed to include a royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-existent, right and license for NetworkSys Co. Ltd to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, act on the sad content without additional approval or consideration, in any form media or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content and also the waver of any claim to the contrary.
Entire Agreement
The general terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between the user and the company, and also is above all prior contracts, agreements and d representations. The agreement supersedes all the promises made by our customer service team representative or employees. F any art of this agreement is found to be invalid the balance will still remain invalid.
The user agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless NetworkSys Co. Ltd and all its affiliates, employees, agents, officers, director, proprietors, representatives, shareholders, attorneys, accountants, predecessors, successors and assigns from any and all claims proceedings damages, injuries, liabilities, losses, costs and expenses including litigation expenses, resulting from you're use of this site.
Variations Of The Agreement
If the law does not require you to be notified, we may alter the agreement from time to time, and any such changes will become effective 14 days after the notice of the changes has been sent to you by electronic mail, or post or you're registered email address at NetworkSys Co. Ltd account. Upon receiving the notice, the user is entitled to immediately terminate the agreement without prejudice to any obligation or rights which may arise prior to the termination date. This will include the users liability for any indebtedness on any account which has otherwise arisen prior to the termination date.
Use Of Information And Confidentiality
All the personal information held by us with regards to this agreement shall be accessible only to us, our agents, or a company controlled by us and shall be processed by us for reasons only compatible with the discharge of our obligation to the user as under the agreement, except to the extent that a disclosure is required under compulsion of law or pursuant to a direction or request by financial regulation or other relevant authority.
All information acquired from us to you as relates to our operations or discharge of service shall be treated by you n the highest levels of privacy and no information will be disclosed to a third party.
Intellectual Property
All data information or other materials used by us to provide the service to fulfill obligations as under this agreement shall upon creation remain with us or the licensor s. The user shall utilize this maltreat for the purpose of achieving the completion of the agreement.
The intellectual property rights and the website contents are all owned by us or its licensor’s. Reproduction of any or all of the contents in any manner is prohibited without consent.
Temporary Withdrawal Of Service
If there is a breakdown of any system in connection with NetworkSys Co. Ltd, or if there is a potential risk security wise, NetworkSys Co. Ltd shall be entitled to temporarily suspend the relevant services or assess to the website.
Your Account Limits
A limit shall apply to you regarding the amount of pre-paid purchase of load/Gift Card Certificate purchases or bills of payment that you will make through the NetworkSys Co. Ltd website. The limit is to curb against fraud. You shall be notified of these limits through the website, while making purchases that exceed the set limits. If you, the user, would require an extension of the limits, you can request for a ticket with customer care.
It is your responsibility to ensure that all instructions granted to you via our website do not lack accuracy or completeness. You should also be able to correctly determine the amount debited or credited.
Termination of Agreement
Any termination shall be subject to the following conditions
(a) One day notice of the intention to terminate
(b) Upon breach of our terms by you or any other third party, or when there are reasonably serious grounds for terminating. You will be informed in writing about the decision to do so.
(c) Immediately if we are deemed bankrupt or any other applicable reason for contractual incapacity with regard to service provision.
(d) If you have not used the services granted by the website, for a period of 12 months consecutively
(e) If, to a reasonable extent have reason to believe that any of the services the website provides have been used falsely, fraudulently or negligently by you or any other third party consequential to your negligence or carelessness.
The rights to process or terminate any exchanges or transactions that are continuing are reserved by the company, and are attached to the termination of this agreement, or on cancellation of the Services we offer. We shall not be held liable for any consequential loss from the termination of the contract, or the suspension or withdrawal of the services.
Any information that we deem necessary to be provided to you, shall be sent to you via the customer care tab or the customer home page of the website.
Security, Maintenance and Availability
By accepting the terms of this agreement, you are accepting any electronic communication, either via the internet, telephone, SMS and any other communication media, and that it may not be safe, is subject to interruption form unauthorized parties , or rendered to you inaccurately. We do not guarantee the absolute privacy or exclusivity or confidentiality of any communication made. We shall however provide every measure to maximize privacy.
For service quality guarantee purposes of NetworkSys Co. Ltd, we shall periodically require to upgrade or change some features of the website for maintenance and security purposes. During this period, NetworkSys Co. Ltd bears the right to:
1) Deem the services unavailable to you
2) And/or suspend the provision of any new service
3) And/or retract, replace or rerelease passwords
4) And/or alter the verification processes granting the right to access the website or service, and we shall work to reduce the consequential inconveniences to you, you agree that these scenarios may occur and that we do not bear any liability to if this happens. Where we alter the verification procedure granting access to the website, with no other term in this agreement notwithstanding, we shall provide the instructions that apply of where the changes have been introduced.
We can provide or assign either the entire or part of this agreement without such an assignment implying a change to the Agreement and without any notice to you. We are therefore free from any liability. This agreement may be assigned to you without the necessity of a written approval.
Governing Law
All the relationships created by us, are governed by the laws of the land, i.e. the Philippines, and the court of law of the Philippines, bear all jurisdiction to settle any disputes relating to them.
If, at any given time period, any part of this Agreement fails to bear legality, lack validity or becomes non-enforceable, that will not affect the legality or validity of the residual parts of this agreement, including the part attached to the parts that have been deemed illegal.
Any waiver made for breach of any of the provisions rendered in this document shall not carry forward to the breach of any other provision. It shall not affect any delay or complete failure of provision of any right, power or privilege, attached to us, apply as a waiver as a result of a breach made by you.
Limitation of Liability
We shall not be held liable for any alteration of another party, for information passed across to you by phone, failure of your device nor alteration, or circumstances beyond your control. We shall not be held liable for any incidents including accidents resulting from the utility of the website, by you or any other party. The liability shall in no way extend beyond our service provision during that period. We and any other organization related shall not be held liable for any punitive or consequential damage resulting to a loss of revenue. This applies to the company, the company’s affiliates, owners and shareholders.
No Warranties
NetworkSys Co. Ltd does not make any warranties, representations or authorizations whether expressed or implied. (Including warranties of name, or the indirect or implied warranties of merchandise or suitability to serve a specific purpose) relating to the site, any product or information provided via the website or over the internet, and we will not be held liable for any impairment or costs accrued either directly or indirectly from any such service. It is upon you to know the accuracy, use and comprehensiveness of any opinion, advisory services, product and information provided via this site or over the internet in genera. We do not certify that the service will not be interrupted or free form error, or that the errors on the site will be amended. The website and any material offered on the site are rendered ‘’as is’’ and ‘’as available’’. Under no circumstances that NetworkSys Co. Ltd will be held accountable for (1) any occurrence, as a result of, or indirect indemnities (including, but not specific to financial loss of revenue, business disruption, loss of software or information, and anything similar) from the use of, or incapability to utilize this website. We do not warrant anyone working for us and you should not count on any statement in reference to that. This paragraph applies even upon termination of the agreement.
These are words formatted in bold and in print, in this Definitions Clause bear the same meaning used by them when this Agreement applies and, where the information in context, applies to, in singular form, shall include the plural, and vice-versa applies.
‘’We’’, ‘’us’’, and ‘’our’’
These refer to NetworkSys Co. Ltd, including its inheritors and assigned individuals.
The agreement laid out between us and yourself with regard to using any of our services through the website.
These are all fees payable in relation to the products or services provided to you by us, and you will be informed about them while you use the website.
Intellectual property rights
‘’Intellectual Property Rights’’ include all copyright material, patents, trademarks both registered and unregistered, the rights included in the database and topographical rights and any other form of intellectual property rights, including all rights to bring a deed for transferring, all rights to apply for cover with regard to any of the above mentioned rights and any other form of cover or protection of a the same nature or having the same effect to any of the ones which may be applicable anywhere in the works, and including the trademarks that they have referenced to ‘’NetworkSys Co. Ltd’’
Privacy Policy
The document under the name ‘’Privacy Policy’’ provided by us on the website.
Registration Process
The process you must follow accurately and completely by you when signing up for the use of NetworkSys Co. Ltd. These services include, but not limited to, any application form, online or offline, filled out by you.
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions that manage the use of the Website and the services rendered to you, which are laid out in this documentation, and other terms and conditions, added or substituted from this document occasionally, pursuant to the agreement.
The password you will fill in during the registration process will be provided to you in relation to the use of this Website and its services.
Refers to